
Ray A. Master Post 217


American Legion Members,





Hepatitis C (hep C) is one of the largest health concerns facing veterans today, yet many don’t know they have it. According to the Department of Veteran Affairs, over 5 percent of veterans enrolled in the care of the Veterans Health Administration have hep C, a blood-borne virus, which causes inflammation of the liver that can lead to cirrhosis and liver cancer.

The truth is hep C is curable – which means the hep C virus is not detectable in the blood months after treatment ends - but the first step is to get tested.

This week, The American Legion will join the fight to Take Down Hep C. The campaign is supported by AbbVie, Inc. a national corporate alliance of The American Legion. The goal is to educate veterans about hep C risks and encourage testing.

We are asking for your help with this campaign by doing the following: