Musician 3rd Class Ray A. Master
(b. 7 Feb 1895 - KIA: 4 Aug 1918)
Ray A. Master was Killed In Action on August 4, 1918 in France during the Battle of Chateau-Thierry. He was a U. S. Army Musician assigned to the 58th Regiment Band.
In 1917, he and his company departed Camp Mills, Long Island, NY, on the British ship Moldavia which was torpedoed. He was one of the men who were rescued at sea after the ship was destroyed. He was a member of Christ Delong Reformed Church, Bowers, PA.
He was a son of Mr. Charles Master and Mrs. Harvey Sicher, Topton, PA. Memorial services were held for Corporal Master in August 1921 and on August 6, 1939 at Christ Delong Reformed Church, Bowers, PA.
Musician Ray Master returns to the USA on a ship from Belgium on July 2, 1921 and was buried in the Union Cemetery, Bowers in August 1921.
Post 217 American Legion Charter is dated 1925