Section 11: Service Officer
The Post Service Officer shall perform such duties as are normally and usually incident to his office, carrying out such activities as directed by the Post Commander and Executive Committee.
Section 12: Sergeants at Arms
The Sergeants at Arms shall maintain order and discipline at all meetings and Post functions and are responsible for the enforcement of and adherence to all Post rules and regulations. They shall serve on any Election Committee as security for the balloting on the Post’s Election Day. They shall see to The preparation of the meeting room/hall for all meetings and functions of the Post and shall carry out such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Post Commander and Executive Committee.
Section 13: Parliamentarian The Post Parliamentarian shall, when called upon, advise on questions of parliamentary procedure.
Section 1. There shall exist the following standing committees, the members and Chairperson of which, except as provided for hereinafter, shall be appointed by the Post Commander subject to the concurrence of the Executive Committee:
a. House Committee
The House Committee shall promulgate rules and regulations for the conduct of members and the carrying out of Post activities. The committee shall assure that all such rules and regulations are in conformity with the National and Department Constitution and By-Laws and shall submit the same to the Executive Committee for adoption, modification or rejection thereof. All rules and regulations so adopted shall be duly posted at Post quarters and shall take effect as of the first of the month following their adoption. The House Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.
b. Membership Committee
The Membership Committee shall review all Applications for Membership in the Post and report thereon to the members thereof and shall include in said report a recommendation regarding each such application. The committee shall consist of at least five (5) members.
c. Program Committeee
The Program Committee shall be responsible for coordinating and carrying into effect the Public Service Programs adopted by the Department, as well as such other Public Service Programs as the Post may elect.
The committee shall consist of such number of members as the Post Commander shall deem necessary for it to carry out its activities but in no event less than five (5) members.
d. Service Committee
The Post Service Committee shall consist of at least five (5) members including the Post Service Officer, who shall be the Chairman thereof. The Service Committee shall be charged with carrying into effect those programs of the National Organization and the Department and such programs as shall be adopted locally by the Post, intended to provide support and assistance to families of members on active duty with the Armed Forces of the United States, veterans and members of the Post. The Committee shall be responsible for assuring the Post representation at the wake of any member and carrying out funeral services upon the death of any Post member.
Section 2. Each standing committee shall provide a report of its activities during the preceding month at each regular Post meeting.
Section 3. The Chairperson of each committee may appoint such sub-committees, as he deems necessary and appropriate appointing the chairperson thereof.
Section 4. The Executive Committee may establish such other committees, as it deems necessary and appropriate. In such event, the Executive Committee shall designate the number of members thereof and shall also provide to each such additional committee a mandate specifying the duties and objectives thereof. Members and the Chairperson shall be appointed by the Post Commander subject to the concurrence of the Executive Committee.
Section 1. A Nominating Committee shall consist of the immediate past Commander, who shall serve as the Chairman thereof, the Chairman of the Membership Committee and the Second Vice Commander. In the event the immediate past Commander is deceased, disabled or otherwise unable to so act, the Adjutant shall serve in lieu thereof and the Chairman of the Membership Committee shall act as the Chairman of the Nominating Committee.
Section 2. The Nominating Committee shall, at the regularly scheduled Membership Meeting in May, present a list of not less than one (1) qualified nominee for each elected position. At the regular membership meeting in May, the Commander shall read the Nominating Committee’s list of candidates and receive additional nominations from the floor. Subject to confirmation that all nominations made from the floor are qualified, those candidates set forth on the Nominating Committee list and those nominated from the floor at the May meeting shall be the candidates for the positions for which they were nominated except where only a single candidate is nominated for whom the Adjutant may cast a single unanimous vote. The names of the candidates for each elected position shall be printed on a ballot for vote at the June meeting of the Post. No nominee’s name may be placed on a ballot without first having secured his willingness to accept the position if elected thereto.
Individual nominees for the office of the Post Commander, Vice Commander, Post Finance Officer, Adjutant or at large Executive Committeeman should have been a member of the Post for at least twenty-four (24) months or have attended Legion College or Legion College extension prior to the June meeting at which the election will be conducted.
Section 3. The election shall be held during the regularly scheduled Post meeting in June. Absentee Ballots will be provided to the following members upon written request thereby: hospitalized and homebound members, members on active duty in the regular military and Reservists and National Guardsmen on active duty. Absentee Ballots must be received at the Post not later than 5:00 P.M. on the date of the election. The Post Judge Advocate shall distribute and collect Absentee Ballots and shall secure them until the date of the election, whereupon they will be turned over to be counted. The Commander shall appoint three (3) members in good standing to collect and count the ballots on Election Day. None of these individuals may be candidates for any position on the ballot.