c. Section 4: Post Commander
The Post Commander shall be the Chief Executive of the Post.
He shall see that the provisions of the National, Department and Post Constitution and By-Laws and all rules, regulations and policies established thereunder are observed.
In cooperation with the Executive Committee of the Post, he shall be responsible for the enforcement of discipline and the maintenance of good conduct on the part of the members.
He shall be the presiding officer at Post meetings and gatherings at which he shall be present.
He shall represent the Post in its relations with federal, state and other governmental bodies, other Legion organizations and the public at large.
He shall have authority to designate a Post Vice Commander to represent him at ceremonies and meetings, and in the event of the inability of any of the Post Vice Commanders to accept such assignment, he may appoint another representative.
Section 5: Post Vice Commanders.
a. The First Post Vice Commander shall be a member of the Executive Committee and shall carryout the duties of the Post Commander in the event of his death, disability or other inability to so act.
The Second Vice Commander shall assume the duties of the First Vice Commander in the event of his death, disability, assumption of the position of Commander or other inability to so act.
Both Vice Commanders shall carry out such other duties as shall be assigned to them by the Commander or the Executive Committee.
Section 6: Post Adjutant.
a. The Post Adjutant shall conduct the correspondence and keep the files and records of the Post, including the names and addresses of the officers, delegates and members thereof.
b. The Post Adjutant shall be responsible for the conduct of the administrative actions of the Post subject to the directions of the Post Commander and the Executive Committee.
c. The Post Adjutant shall be responsible for providing notice of all special meetings of the Post and Executive Committee, as well as all other required notices.
d. The Post Adjutant shall act as the Secretary of the Executive Committee.
e. The Post Adjutant shall assist the Post Finance Officer in the preparation of an annual budget for the expenses of the Post. The budget shall specify each item of expense specifically as to character and amount. The recommended budget shall be submitted to the Finance Committee for examination, alteration and presentation to the Executive Committee.
Section 7: Post Finance Officer.
a. Under the direction of the Post Commander, the Post Finance Officer shall be charged with the collection and custody of the funds of the Post, shall keep the accounts of the Post and shall report thereon at each regular meeting of the Post and Executive Committee. He shall make such other reports to the Post, Post Commander and Executive Committee as they may direct.
b. He shall give bond with sufficient security at the expense of the Post and subject to the approval of the Post Executive Committee for the faithful performance of his duties.
c. All funds of the Post shall be deposited by the Post Finance Officer in the name of the Post, in a depository bank approved by the Executive Committee. All such funds shall be so deposited within one (1) business day of receipt.
d. Funds of the Post shall be disbursed by the Post Finance Officer upon the authority of the Executive Committee pursuant to a regular voucher showing the character and amount of expenditures. Funds disbursed on behalf of the Post and in excess of $10.00, shall be by check signed by two (2) Post officers duly authorized by vote of the Executive Committee to do so. The Finance Officer shall promptly see to the execution of appropriate signature cards after designation of the officers authorized to execute Post checks.
e. It shall be the Post Finance Officer’s duty to make certain that the books of the Post are audited e.annually in August of each year for fiscal year filers and January of each year for calendar year filers.
Section 8. Post Historian
The Post Historian shall be responsible for the compiling and maintenance of a historical record of the Post. He shall have the authority to request from the officers of the Post, members of the Executive Committee and Committee Chairpersons such information as may be necessary for the performance of his duties and he shall prepare and submit annually to the Post Executive Committee at its June meeting, a report covering the activities and interests of the Post throughout the previous year, accompanied by such suggestions relating to the preservation of the historical records of the Post, as he shall deem appropriate.
Section 9: Post Chaplain.
The Post Chaplain shall invoke the blessings and assistance of the Almighty at the opening and closing of Post meetings and shall perform such other duties, ordinarily incident to the Office of Chaplain, as shall be assigned to him by the Post Commander.
Section 10: Post Judge Advocate
The Post Judge Advocate shall advise the Post Officers and Executive Committee on all legal matters, including the construction and interpretation of the National, Department and Post Constitution and By-Laws, and shall perform such other duties as are usually incident to the office.