
Ray A. Master Post 217


Notice of the calling of a special meeting of the Executive Committee shall be given by the Post Adjutant in writing or e-mail to each member thereof at least five (5) days prior to the date for said scheduled special meeting. Said notice shall set forth the day, time, location and purpose of the meeting.

No business other than that specifically set forth in the notice thereof may be conducted at any special meeting.

Each member of the Executive Committee is responsible for providing the Adjutant with his current address or email address. Notice to the address or e-mail address last provided the Adjutant will be effective notice.

Section 5: A majority of the members of the Executive Committee shall constitute a Quorum for the transaction of business.

Except as may be required by the Constitution and By- Laws of The American Legion, the Department of Pennsylvania or this Post, all action of the Executive Committee shall be by majority vote of those present and eligible to vote thereon.

Section 6. Any vacancy among the at large members of the Executive Committee occurring prior to April 1 shall be filled by vote of the members at the next regularly scheduled Post meeting.

Any vacancy occurring among the at large members of the Executive Committee subsequent to April 1 shall be filled by a vote of the members of the Executive Committee.


Section 1. The officers of the Post shall be as follows: a. Post Commander; b. First and Second Post Vice Commanders; c. Post Adjutant; d. Post Finance Officer; e. Post Historian; f. Post Chaplain g. Post Judge Advocate; h. Post Service Officer i. Post Parliamentarian; j. Up to three (3) Sergeants at Arms; k. such other officers as the membership shall determine.

Section 2. Election/Appointment of Post Officers: The Post Commander, Post Vice Commanders and Post Finance Officer shall be elected by a majority of the members present and eligible to vote thereon.

The Post Adjutant, Post Chaplain, Post Judge Advocate, Post Historian, Post Service Officer, Post Parliamentarian, Sergeants at Arm and such other officers as the membership of the Post shall have determined, shall either be appointed by the Post Commander with the concurrence of the Executive Committee or elected as determined by majority vote of the members of the Post. 

Post officers shall assume the responsibility of their office on August 1 and shall be installed at the first available meeting following the adjournment of the Department Convention.

Section 3. Each elected officer of the Post shall serve for one (1) year and until his successor is elected and assumes his duties. All officers appointed by the Post Commander shall serve until the expiration of the term of the Post Commander or at such earlier date as the Commander with the concurrence of the Executive Committee shall determine.